
Sinn und Bild. Immersive Kunst jenseits des Spektakels” 
In: threesixo. Zeitschrift für immersive Kunst
Year of publication: 2022

“Toont de app BeReal de ‘echte’ wereld zonder vals te spelen?”
In: Rekto:Verso (Online)
Co-authors: Sixtine Bérard & Jeroen Coppens
Year of publication: 2022

The Drama(turgy) of Non-Belonging. An interview with Motus on Sharing Identity in Panorama.”
In: Critical Stages. The IATC Journal (20).
Year of publication: 2020

“The Image as Event. The Lives of Images in M.#10 Marseille and So Little Time.” 
In: Forum Modernes Theater 30 (1-2), 47-59.
Year of publication: 2019

“How Images Survive (in) Theatre. On the Lives of Images in Rabih Mroué’s The Pixelated Revolution and Three Posters.”
In: The International Journal of the Image, 9 (2). 55-71.
Year of publication: 2018

Der Januskopf Des Metabildes: (Des)Illusionierung in Vincent Dunoyers The Princess Project.”
In: TO DO AS IF – Realitäten der Illusion im zeitgenössischen Theater, 43–62.
André Eiermann (ed.), Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 
Year of publication: 2018

“Theaterdramaturgien von der Aufklärung bis zur Gegenwart. By Evelyn Deutsch-Schreiner. Vienna: Böhlau, 2016. Pp. 351. € 24,99 Pb.” 
In: Theatre Research International 43 (1). 117-118.
Year of publication: 2018

Unfolding Spectatorship: Shifting political, ethical and intermedial positions. 
Studies in Performing Arts & Media. Ghent: Academia Press.
Co-editors: Christel Stalpaert, Katharina Pewny, Jeroen Coppens & Pieter Vermeulen. 
Year of publication: 2017

“Framing Technology. The Performative Trompe-l’œil Challenging the Eye.” 
In: Unfolding Spectatorship: Shifting Political, Ethical and Intermedial Positions, 119-141.
Christel Stalpaert, Katharina Pewny, Jeroen Coppens & Pieter Vermeulen. (eds.), Ghent: Academia Press.
Year of publication: 2017

In: Unfolding Spectatorship: Shifting Political, Ethical and Intermedial Positions, 3-20. 
Co-authors: Christel Stalpaert, Katharina Pewny, Jeroen Coppens & Pieter Vermeulen.
Christel Stalpaert, Katharina Pewny, Jeroen Coppens & Pieter Vermeulen. (eds.), Gent: Academia Press. 
Year of publication: 2017

“‘Ik ben fervent voor culturele globalisering’. Interview met Matthias Lilienthal.”
In: Etcetera (151). 30–32.
Year of publication: 2017

“De Chris Dercon-crisis.” 
In: Etcetera (148), 12–17.
Year of publication: 2017

“Visuelle Dramaturgie: (Theater-)Bilder, die denken.”
In: Episteme des Theaters : Aktuelle Kontexte von Wissenschaft, Kunst und Öffentlichkeit, Vol. 90, 496–499.
Milena Cairo, Moritz Hannemann, Ulrike Haß, & Judith Schäfer (eds.), Bielefeld: Transcript.
Year of publication: 2016

“(Re)animating the image: staging media in Romeo Castellucci’s M.#10 Marseille.” 
In: DOCUMENTA, 34 (1), 10–27.
Year of publication: 2016

“Europa: ist das Kunst oder kann das weg? De Europese identiteitscrisis en de Biënnale van Wiesbaden.”
In: Etcetera (147), 11–15.
Year of publication: 2016

Visually speaking: A research into visual Strategies of Illusion in Postdramatic Theater. 
Ghent University. Faculty of Arts and Philosophy.
Year of publication: 2015

“Staging Film: a Woman and her Camera.”
Year of publication: 2015

Dramaturgies in the new millennium: Relationality, performativity and potentiality. 
Schriftenreihe Forum Modernes Theater. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag.
Co-editors:  Katharina Pewny, Johan Callens.
Year of publication: 2014

“The in-between of Visual Dramaturgy.” 
In: Dramaturgies in the New Millennium : Relationality, Performativity and Potentiality,  Vol. 44, 147–161.
Katharina Pewny, Johan Callens & Jeroen Coppens (eds.), Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag.
Year of publication: 2014

“Introducing Dramaturgies in the New Millennium.” 
Co-authors: Katharina Pewny, Johan Callens
In: Dramaturgies in the new Millennium: Relationality, Performativity and Potentiality, Vol. 44, 7–13.
Katharina Pewny, Johan Callens, & Jeroen Coppens (eds.), Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag.
Year of publication: 2014

“The Rule of the Line: in search of a free and moved language.” 
In: Bewegung lesen. Bewegung schreiben, 147–155.
I. Wortelkamp (Ed.), Berlin: Revolver Publishing.
Year of publication: 2011

“Folding Mutants or Crumbling Hybrids? Of Looking baroque in contemporary Theatre and Performance.” 
In: Bastard or Playmate? Adapting Theatre, mutating Media and contemporary performing Arts, 90–101. 
Robrecht Vanderbeeken, Christel Stalpaert, David Depestel, & Boris Debackere (eds.), Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Year of publication: 2011

“Palestinians in Wonderland? Over de moord op Juliano Mer-Khamis en de hopeloos-hoopvolle tendens naar artistiek geweldloos verzet in de Palestijnse gebieden.”
In: Etcetera, 29 (125), 26–29.
Year of publication: 2011